The coordinating voice for Black, Asian, Mixed Race and Minority Ethnic transplant donation

The National BAME Transplant Alliance (NBTA) is pleased to invite you to bid for funding of between £2,000 and £3,000 to promote living kidney donation among BAME groups in England. This is part of the Living Transplant Initiative (LTI) which is managed by NBTA and funded by NHSBT. Further details about LTI are available from the NBTA website .

Your bid should be submitted to Tracey Bignall ( by 8 August 2018 and your project should be undertaken between September 2018 and March 2019. The LTI Steering Group will consider all bids and will confirm funding for the successful bids by the end of August 2018.

The LTI has three key targets as follows.

To increase people from BAME groups who are interested in living donation after finding out about it.
To increase people from BAME background who volunteer to being assessed as potential living kidney donors
To increase people from BAME background who become living kidney donors.
All bids should include responses to the following and the attached form should be used to submit bids.

Evidence of previous experience of promoting organ donation within a BAME community.
Outline of proposed project, with clear objectives, project plan, members of project planning group, the extent to which the project will contribute to the three targets set out above, and a budget plan.
All project leaders will be required to submit an end of project report which will be published by NBTA and NHSBT after March 2019.
The LTI Steering Group will both monitor all projects and offer support, as needed. A copy of the Interim LTI report from 2017/18 is available at:

Any queries about this invitation to bid for funding should be sent to Kirit Modi, Chair of the Steering Group ( who is happy to advise as you prepare your bids. We look forward to receiving your bids.
