Prioritising existing donors to receive organs would boost donation from ethnic minorities. There is an incongruity among ethnic minorities between those prepared to donate and those who need to receive organs and stem cells.

Report: Developing Messages to Promote Organ Donation by Faith among Ethnic Minority Communities
Developing Messages to Promote Organ Donation by Faith among Ethnic Minority Communities highlights the outcomes of a vital conference organised...
Pilot Project Report 2024: Improving Equity of Access to Living Donation Kidney Transplantation for Black Kidney Patients
To tackle the disparity and to work towards equity in living donor kidney transplantation (LDKT), it is critical to understand...
BAME Organ donation patients disproportionally affected by impact of COVID
NBTA welcomes the publication of the 2019/20 Organ Transplant Activities report by NHS Blood and Transplant. COVID-19 has had a...
NHSBT Community Investment Scheme Year Progress Report
Organisations representing a diverse range of faiths and communities in England and Wales joined a campaign to address the urgent...