Developing Messages to Promote Organ Donation by Faith among Ethnic Minority Communities highlights the outcomes of a vital conference organised by the National Black, Asian, Mixed Race, and Minority Ethnic Transplant Alliance (NBTA) in collaboration with NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT). Held on June 4, 2024, the conference was a significant step in addressing the disparities in organ donation awareness and participation among faith-based and minority ethnic communities in
the UK. Organ donation is an issue of national importance, yet participation rates from minority ethnic groups remain disproportionately low. This event aimed to tackle these barriers by involving faith leaders, community organisations, and key stakeholders to develop tailored messages that resonate with specific religious and cultural contexts.
Faith and cultural beliefs play an essential role in decision-making about organ donation, and this conference recognised the need for faith-specific engagement strategies. Through interactive presentations, faith group discussions, and collaborative planning, the participants of this event took major strides towards crafting messages that align with religious teachings and cultural values. These messages are critical in promoting greater understanding, reducing misconceptions, and ultimately saving lives by increasing organ donation.
The importance of this conference cannot be overstated. It serves as both a reflective and forward-thinking endeavour that will guide efforts during 2024 and beyond. The work presented here sets the groundwork for ongoing community engagement and evaluation, with the ultimate goal of fostering more equitable healthcare outcomes. As we move forward, the NBTA and NHSBT remain committed to bridging the gap in organ donation rates and providing ongoing support to faith and minority ethnic communities in the future.
The two organisations will continue to work together and have established a Messaging Conference Implementation Group which will take forward the ten Actions arising from the Conference. This group has had its first meeting and will continue working until April 2026.
Download the report here.
View the slides from the conference here.